Brand lessons from Queensland Ballet

Brands + Business x Christine Moody*


This week I attended the launch of Queensland Ballet‘s 2016 Season. The launch was held at the stunning Brisbane City Hall and the event was beautifully choreographed and so aligned with the ‘QB brand’. It began with one of the Principal dancer’s—Clare Morehen—introducing the overview of the season’s program and then Artistic Director—the well-known “Mao’s Last Dancer—Li Cunxin presenting the details of the season and each ballet.

The speeches were interspersed with excerpts of the four ballets live on stage plus videos of the ballet in London and highlights of the coming year. This was a very impactful event as each of the presenters demonstrated to the audience their passion for their art. Their words, expression, and personal stories of their time with the organisation resonated with the audience. As I looked around the audience I could see the smiles on their faces and feel the love in the room! Imagine if your brand could have that sort of impact on your ‘audience’!

I got carried away with the magic of it all. And isn’t that what every brand wants?

It was obvious that a lot of effort and planning had gone into this event. Every detail was considered and delivered to represent ‘Queensland Ballet’ the brand as well as the upcoming program. This season’s theme—”the season shimmers with stardust, as we share ballets that enchant with the glamour of a golden age”—was made tangible and exciting in so many ways. From the entry line up of Queensland Ballet branded staff who greeted us as on arrival, to the gift of gold-dusted macaroons and the gold-foiled program booklet handed to us as we left the venue, every thing and every little detail made the event memorable. It would be interesting to see the spike in ticket sales the next day as I am sure that many people went online that night and booked their tickets—I know I did.

I got carried away with the magic of it all. And isn’t that what every brand wants?

*Christine Moody is one of Australia’s leading brand strategists and the founder brand management consultancy, Brand Audits. With more than 30 years’ professional experience, Christine has helped a diverse client base of local and international brands, including Gold Coast City Council, Hilton Hotels, and Wrigleys USA, to develop, protect and achieve brand differentiation. Her particular interest is personal brand audits to assist executives realise their full potential.

For more information: or +61 419 888 468.

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