Brand Audits Update x Christine Moody*
Fast Company
How Amazon and other top companies keep their customers in focus x Ken Fine
How Amazon and other top companies keep their customers in focus x Ken Fine
The habits of customer-centric CEOs like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Apple’s Tim Cook aren’t as hard to pick up as some executives might expect. Here are three things leaders can start emulating today to become more customer-centric and gain the insight into business opportunities and pain points that come with that focus.
Marketing: Building a customer centric marketing ecosystem x Daniel Newman
As more and more brands are vying for a slice of the consumer’s attention, businesses need to restructure themselves, and become more customer-centric to stay ahead in the race. While most companies today claim to put their customers first, a surprisingly small number are actually doing it right. So, where are they going wrong? The fact is: some businesses are treating customer-centricity as a set of strategies meant solely for the customer-facing units of a business. They often forget that a customized or one-on-one approach is more than just a marketing goal for customer service reps and sales people.
If you want to be customer-centric, you’ve got to be direct x Peter S Fader
Customer centricity is not merely about customized products and services. It’s also a celebration of customer diversity. Mary Kay consultants live and die by their ability to leverage individual customer-level data. A truly customer-centric firm also knows that world-class service should be reserved for only the best customers. Its principles warn that rolling out the red carpet for every customer is a crippling waste of resources
*Christine Moody is one of Australia’s leading brand strategists and the founder brand management consultancy, Brand Audits. With more than 30 years’ professional experience, Christine has helped a diverse client base of local and international brands, including Gold Coast City Council, Hilton Hotels, and Wrigleys USA, to develop, protect and achieve brand differentiation.